Logic: The art the world forgot

Logic. It seems simple enough, does it not? Truth be told it is, to people willing to accept it. This is a blog about me and my grasp on logic. Any oppinions or veiws that you, the reader, disagrees with can be commented on. I'm not saying that every word that spills out of my mind onto these computer keys and onto this website is pure gold. I'm just saying that's how I see it and if you'd like to discuss my ideas, please just comment! I only ask you one thing, if what I say isn't pure gold then neither is what you say. That's my one rule.

So, back to the concept of this blog.

It's basically just me giving my (mostly) logic based oppinion on various subjects, often using a vast vocabulary comprised of words with numerous vowels. ;) But either way, I hope you enjoy and please, send link to your friends, it would be really cool if people would actually read this! As a side note I'd just like to say that the idea of this blog came to me through my friends and my motivation came from the Philip DeFranco Show, one of the best shows on Youtube. ☻

About the Author

My name's Kyla, you don't really need to know anything else about me... so yeah... why do I have this section again? I guess if you really wanted to know, I'm interested in psychology and musical theater and I listen to plenty of Metal ♪ \m/
Yes, the music.